Martynov Gennadi


1. One generalization of sign and Wilcoxon tests. "Theory of Probability and its Applications" , 1967, V. 12 , N 2

2. The linear two-sample rank tests under the location alternatives. "Theory of Probability and its applications" , 1969, V. 14 , N 1

3. Computation of the limiting distribution for the Cramér-von Mises normality tests. "Theory of Probability and its Applications" , 1973, V. 18 , N 3, 671-673

4. Computation of limiting distribution for the Cramér-von Mises normality tests. Computation of the quadratic forms distribution. "Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Social and Economical Sciences" , 1974, V. 26 , "Nauka"

5. Computing the distributions of quadratic forms in normal variables. "Proceedings of the III Soviet-Japan Symposium on Prob. Theory" , 1975, Tashkent

6. Computing the distributions of quadratic forms in normal variables. "Theory of Probability and its Applications" , 1975, V. 20 , N 4, 797-809

7. Computation of limiting distribution for the Cramér-von Mises normality tests. "Theory of Probability and its Applications" , 1976, V. 21 , N 1, 3-15

8. Program for computing of quadratic forms distribution functions. "Numerical Methods in Mathematical Statistics. Algorithms and Programs" , 1976, Moscow State University, 30-35

9. An iterative formula for the normal quantiles. "Numerical Methods in Mathematical Statistics. Algorithms and Programs" , 1976, Moscow State University

10. Generalization of the Smirnov's formula for the quadratic forms distributions. "Theory of Probability and its Applications" , 1977, V. 22 , N 3, 614-620

11. The distribution of the omega square statistics in the multivariate case. "Theory of Probability and its Applications" , 1977, V. 22 , N 2, 415-420. (With Tjurin J. N. and Krivjakova E. N.)

12. Generalization of the omega square test. "Theory of Probability and its Applications" , 1978, V. 23 , N 2

13. The omega square tests. Moscow, "Nauka" , 1979, 80pp.

14. Fredholm determinants for kernels related with omega square tests. "Adaptive Systems and their Applications" . Moscow, "Nauka",1978

15. The program package on the queuing theory. "Proc. of School "Programs and Algorithms for the Multivariate Statistical Analysis" , 1979, Erewan. (With Beljaew Ju. K. and Chepurin E. W.)

16. Subroutine for computing of quadratic form distributions. "Random Processes and Fields" , 1979, "Moscow State University", 32-38

17. Evaluation of the multivariate normal distributions. "Journal of Soviet Mathematics" , V. 17, N. 1, 1981, 1643-1684 (Translated from "Progress in Science and Technology, Series on Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Theoretical Cybernetics (Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki)", V. 17, Moscow, 1979, VINITI Acad. of Sc. USSR, pp. 54-84)

18. Using of omega square tests. "XIV Colloquium on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. Bakuriani" , Tbilisi, "Mezniereba", 1980

19. Gaussity test for random processes. "III Vilnius Conf. on Probability Theory and athematical Statistics" , Vilnius, 1981

20. Gaussity test for random processes. "IV Soviet-Japan Symposium on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics" , Tbilisi, 1982

21. The program package on the queuing theory. "Proc. of II School "Programs and Algorithms for the Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Zachkadzor" , 1983, Erewan. (With coauthors)

22. Programs for computing of the multivariate normal distribution. "Proc. of II School "Programs and Algorithms for the Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Zachkadzor" , 1983, Erewan. (With coautor)

23. The compound goodness-of-fit tests. "Researches in Probability and Statistics" , 1983, "Moscow State University", 61-75

24. Computing of the distribution for the ratio of two quadratic forms. "XVIII Colloquium on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. Bakuriani" , Tbilisi, "Tbilisian University", 1984

25. Estimating of an error arising in functionals with using the empirical distribution. "Random Analysis and Asymptotic Problems in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics" , 1984, Tbilisi,"Mezniereba"

26. The Gaussity test for random processes with estimated parameters. "Fourth international Vilnius conference on probability theory and mathematical statistics" , V. II , 1985, Vilnius, pp. 149-150

27. Computing of the normal, F-, T- and Chi- square distributions and their quantiles. "III Sci. and Tech. Conf. on Applications of the Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Econ. and Quality Prod.Estimation" , V. II , 1985, Tartu

28. The transforming of the multivariate normal integral to finite sum of the repeating integrals. "XIX Colloquium on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. Bakuriani" , Tbilisi, "Mezniereba", 1986

29. Computing of the distribution for the ratio of two quadratic forms in normal variates. "Statistical Methods for Estimation and hypotheses testing" , 1986, Perm, "Permian University"

30. On the evaluation of the multivariate normal integral. "The first international Bernoully congress on mathematical statistics and probability theory" , V. 2 , 1986, Moscow, "Nauka", p. 521

31. Algorithms for the computing of probability distributions. "Reliability and Effectiveness in Technique. Handbook" , V. II , Chapter 6, 1987, "Mashinostroenie", pp. 251-273

32. Practice on probability theory and mathematical statistics. 1988, "Moscow State University" , 5-22

33. Probability and statistical programs from "Applied Statistics". "Journal of Soviet Mathematics" , V. 50, N. 1, 1990. (Translated from "Progress in Science and Technology, Series on Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Theoretical Cybernetics (Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki)", V. 26, Moscow, 1988, VINITI Acad. of Sc. USSR, pp. 151-203)

34. The generalization of omega square goodness-of-fit tests. "XXXIII Semester on Robustness and Nonparametric Statistics" , March 1-May 31, 1989, Stefan Banach International Center, Warsaw, Part II , pp. 144-146

35. Statistical tests based on empirical processes and related questions. "Journal of Soviet Mathematics" , V. 61 , N. 4, 1992, 2195-2271. (Translated from "Progress in Science and Technology, Series on Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Theoretical Cybernetics (Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki)", V. 30, Moscow, 1992, VINITI Acad. of Sc. USSR, pp.3-112)

36. Cramér-von Mises type tests with applications to tests of independence for multivariate extreme-value distributions. "Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods" , 1996, V. 25, N 4, 1996, 871-908. (With Deheuvels P.)

37. Cramér-von Mises goodness-of-fit test for logistic distribution. "XXIXe JournVes de Statistique" , Carcassonne, 26-30 mai 1997, 456-459. ( With Hosine M.E., in French)

38. Bi-dimensional normal distribution. In "Probability and Mathematical Statistics: Encyclopaedia", ed. Yu. V. Prokhorov, Moscow, 1999. (In Russian).

39. Cramér-von Mises test for the Gauss process on [0,1]. " International Workshop GOF2000 on Goodness-of-fit Test and Validity of Models" , Paris, 2000, p. 102

40. Testing for mixed Rasch model and estimation of its latent distribution. "Rapport technique - ISRN: UBS-SABRES (Statistique Appliquue Brutagne - Sud)" , Mars 2002. (With M. Mesbach)

41. One defect of the goodness-of-fit tests based on the empirical process. "Kolmogorov and contemporary mathematics. Abstracts" , Moscow, 2003, Moscow State University, pp. 495-496

42. Karhunen-Loève expansions for weighted Wiener processes and Brownian bridges via Bessel functions. Progress in Probability, 2003, V. 55, pp. 57-93. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel/Switzerland. ( With Deheuvels, P.)

43. Weighted Cramér-von-Mises test with estimated parameters. “Материалы международной конференции LAD’2004: Longevty, Aging and Degradation Models”. Том 2, Санкт-Петербург, 2004, стр. 207-222

44. Goodness of fit test and latent distribution estimation in the mixed Rasch model. “Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods”, vol. 35, 2006, p. 921-935. (With Mesbah M.) ( See the article here )

Translations from English in Russian:

1. Kerstan J., Mattis K., Mecke J. Infinitely divisible point processes. New York: Willey 1978. (With co-translators)

2. Johnson N.L., Leone F.C. Statistical and experimental design in engeneering and the physical sciences. New York: Willey, 1977. (With co-translators)

3. Einslein K., Ralston A., Wilf H.S. Statistical methods for digital computers, New York, Willey, 1977 (With co-translators)